
Adopting a critical position towards bilingualism

  Adopting a critical position towards bilingualism Introduction Welcome to our blog about The sociocultural impact of bilingualism in the Colombian educational context! Here we will find the benefits and challenges that come with having or mastering two languages. According to (MEN, 2019), foreign languages are vehicles of communication, interaction, learning, generation of opportunities, and development. Therefore, we define bilingual education in the words of Andrew Cohen, professor emeritus of linguistics at the University of Minnesota as: "The use of two or more languages as a medium of instruction in a part of the school curriculum.". One of the deepest perspectives on the implications of being bicultural and bilingual is that an explanation will be provided, from the understanding of the differences between concepts and examples. GENERAL OBJECTIVE -Explain the sociocultural impact of Bilingualism in Colombia through a critical and reflective analysis. Taking into accou

Task 5 -Teaching e-portfolio

  Evidence of your skills and competency as a language teacher: Student evaluations: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdc6r80cBj5YXcV3LM2NK-saFnCxOahHNgAU40X8RhudM7WYw/viewform?usp=sf_link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfysgOCTEjsDv4lNawofFh_XSh8QkJihX06yMroviWT1Eqzag/viewform?usp=sf_link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhBqy8zLYlA_2g7RkRordgO7lv411qGjMfU2ADx4VJWw3vjg/viewform?usp=sf_link Lesson plans (Choose your favorite lesson plan): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QYfWcLDfh-gXQoc5w50Dy8KT1i8dcWSLhJsueR_prOs/edit?usp=sharing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Examples of students’ work: A video (and/or audio) of one or more of your lessons:  Video:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U__wHD_kgAd-owhlIs8pjEja2ovnh2D

Unit 1 - Task 2 - Self-monitoring teaching

    Unit 1 - Task 2 - Self-monitoring teaching CURSO:  TEACHER DEVELOPMENT         ESTUDIANTE: Lina Paola Medina Henao                                           TUTORA:  Marta Cecilia Tarifa Mona ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN PROGRAMA DE LICENCIATURA EN LENGUA EXTRANJERA CON ENFASIS EN INGLES UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD SYNTHESIS OF THE OBSERVATION FIELD JOURNALS    The purpose is to observe how a teacher starts his class and more with elementary school children, using different types of didactic methodologies, identifying the learning of each of his students, evaluating them with questions and using tools. Participating in this class as the main purpose is to fall more in love with my career and see that in the future as a teacher a series of procedures is carried out for a learning and a well-developed class.   The participating community, ages, special and observed characteristics and the context of the I.E. and / or La Normal Superi

Task 4 Reporting your research project

                                                              RESEARCH PROJECT       Task 4 Reporting your research project 551028_3         Student: Lina Paola Medina Henao   Tutor: Juan Carlos López                   UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN - ECEDU LICENCIATURA EN LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS CON ÉNFASIS EN INGLES 01/08/2021 INTR ODUCTION   This investigative work is carried out in order to find a solution to the obstacles that arise in education. An investigation is carried out with the fifth grade students of the La Normal Superior Icononzo school, thus proving that traditional education imposes models, subjects and methods elaborated by adults and thinking for them and not for a student.   The student requires a degree of maturity to understand the scripts that are imposed on them in the development of a class. Their duty is to learn through what is already incorporated in th