Task 4 Reporting your research project


                                                            RESEARCH PROJECT     

Task 4 Reporting your research project







Lina Paola Medina Henao


Tutor: Juan Carlos López
















This investigative work is carried out in order to find a solution to the obstacles that arise in education. An investigation is carried out with the fifth grade students of the La Normal Superior Icononzo school, thus proving that traditional education imposes models, subjects and methods elaborated by adults and thinking for them and not for a student.

 The student requires a degree of maturity to understand the scripts that are imposed on them in the development of a class. Their duty is to learn through what is already incorporated in the books and in the heads of their elders, teaching them under the basis of a finished product, making this a static teaching which is not subject to the changes that may occur in the future. In other words, today's education does not provide the motivation that should be given for a student to learn a second language, that is why this research provides its respective solution to improve and organize an affordable and favorable education for students.

Progressive education - constructivist, is born from the problems that traditional education entails, since, the acquisition of skills, learning through experience, leaving aside the aims and static materials, to move on to a broad type of knowledge and changing.

Research Objectives

Considering the aspects of constructivism in pedagogy, it can therefore be considered that the objective of teaching, from this position, is that students build meaningful knowledge; Achieve cognitive understanding to promote conceptual change, considering the emotional conditions of both the educator and the student, to achieve satisfactory levels of adaptation to the context and adequate well-being. When the teacher has already defined the learning objectives of his students, he must decide what are the contents that he will review during the training process.

Students are expected to assimilate the proposed contents, integrate them into their cognitive structures and generate changes in the way of conceiving things since, many times, they constitute an extension of the contents they previously possessed and can contribute to their development and growth. both professional and personal. The methodology is an essential element of the training process, because it constitutes the form, the way, how the training is carried out. The main objective of choosing a suitable methodology is for students to learn.

 Theoretical Framework


The different theoretical aspects on which this research has been based, its concept and its function, as well as the theoretical orientations that support it, are exposed.

The main concept related to Dewey's theory of knowledge, and perhaps the most important of his entire philosophical system, is that of experience. Classical epistemology maintains an orthodox view of experience; to him Dewey opposes the dynamic vision of him. Experience, in effect, is for Dewey a matter of the exchange of a living being with his physical and social environment, and not merely a matter of knowledge. It also implies an integration of actions and affections, and therefore does not refer simply to something subjective. In addition, the experience supposes an effort to change the given and in this sense it has a projective dimension, overcoming the immediate present. It is based on connections and continuities, and permanently involves processes of reflection and inference. For Dewey, experience and thought are not antithetical terms, since they both claim each other.

Progressive education must be contrasted with the traditionalist educational conception, based on the exercise of faculties, moral and mental discipline and an authoritarian method of instruction21. Dewey rejects a set of pedagogical doctrines of various kinds:

 a) education as preparation, that is, the perspective of considering children as candidates for adults.

b) education as development, in which growth and progress are seen as approximations to an invariable goal (Hegel, Froebel)

c) education as training of faculties, based on the theory of formal discipline (Locke).

d) Education as training (Herbart), which represents an advance with respect to the theory of innate faculties, but which ignores the existence of a living being with active and specific functions.

 Dewey proposes the conception of progressive education, a North American version of the Active or New European School of the late nineteenth and first third of the twentieth centuries. Thus, for Dewey, "education is a constant reorganization or reconstruction of experience" 23. This reconstruction adds to the meaning of experience and increases the ability to direct the subsequent course of experience.


Methodological Contributions


Regarding Dewey, he was a great educational theorist. But this facet constitutes only one face of his multifaceted figure. He intended to form on entirely new foundations a pedagogical proposal in opposition to the old and traditional school, and all this in accordance with the advancement of psycho-pedagogical knowledge of his time. To carry out this work, Dewey believed that the new education had to surpass the traditional one not only in the fundamentals of the discourse, but also in the practice itself.

 Representatives of behaviorism

-Jean Piaget

 -Lev Vygotsky

- Jerome Bruner

-David Ausubel

Teaching • Dynamism, participation and interaction of the subject. • Knowledge - authentic construction of the person.


Foundations For The Application Of The Constructivist Theoretical Framework To Educational Practice

• Development of cognitive methodologies considering the following fundamentals, as explained by Santiváñez Limas (s.f.):

 • The learner is the center of the process.

 • The constructivist educator is a mediator.

• All learning is born out of necessity.

• Activity is an ally of learning.

• The learner builds his own knowledge.

 • The error is constructive.

• Elevation of self-esteem.

 • The classroom is the community.

• The rescue of the original role of the teacher.

Constructivism is an appropriate theory to explore the teaching-learning process of our students. It allows us to perceive active learning based on a dynamic, participatory and interactive process with which they develop new knowledge from the base of previous teachings, from the constructivist point of view, it can be thought that learning is a process of development of cognitive and affective skills, reached at certain levels of maturation. This process implies the assimilation and accommodation achieved by the subject, with respect to the information you perceive. This information is expected to be as meaningful as possible so that it can be learned. This process is carried out in interaction with the other participating subjects, whether they are classmates and teachers, to achieve a change that leads to a better adaptation to the environment. A good teacher is able to organize their activities in such a way that learning is promoted for all those involved in the process; The fundamental task of a teacher is to educate or as indicated by the Guidelines for Secondary Education in Colombia (Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2010: 42).

Statement Of The Problem

Here we are going to raise the problem of the obstacles that are handled to teach a second language, emphasizing a pedagogical model different from traditional education, such as a progressive-constructivist education. Traditional education, according to the author, imposes models, subjects and methods of adults, for which the student requires a degree of maturity for their understanding. While progressive education, which is born through the criticism of the traditional school, tries to cultivate individuality and the imposition of expression, the acquisition of skills, learning through experience, the maximum use of the opportunity of life Present.

Through these guidelines, it allows students to have the motivation to learn with new strategies, practicing what they have learned. Due to this preponderant role of the teacher, it is necessary for him to demonstrate coherence between what he says and what he does, since students become very sensitive to this aspect. If a teacher has a certain speech, his actions must be a true reflection of his ideas. Otherwise, students perceive incoherence and become the harshest critics of it. Reason why, it is necessary for the teacher to have a continuous reflective practice on his own speech and his actions, being an example, with his own life, that it is always possible to improve in credibility and thus, become a person in which, the students can trust. In this way, certain important aspects of constructivism in teaching have been succinctly raised.


How To Write A Problem Statement

That we already know

For this research we know that learning is an idiosyncratic construction, that is, it is conditioned by the set of physical, social, cultural, even economic and political characteristics of the learner. They are also valid for those who teach and their way of doing it. If the teacher teaches part of the idea, who is the owner of the knowledge that he is going to transmit to the students, he will probably use traditional methodologies that involve a passive learning process, with the students in the position of receivers of the knowledge. On the other hand, if the person who teaches starts from the principle that knowledge is built, he is going to promote the active participation of the students, he is going to enter into dialogue with them, to achieve an environment of collaboration and motivation, in which it is possible, reach the construction of knowledge, based on the scientific and technological heritage, accumulated by the human being throughout its history.

What do we need to know?

For this research we need to know what methods were implemented in the classrooms for their proper motivation. Also what are the obstacles that students present at the time of receiving the class with the teacher and on the part of the teacher should know and individualize the teaching as far as possible. where you can see the enthusiasm to learn. By changing teaching techniques, what is clear is that motivated students are more receptive and learn more, that mogtivation has an important influence on learning.

Why do we need to know?

It is important to know the problems that are being generated in the classrooms and especially in the research about learning in students in grade 5, since new and technological strategies are not implemented where the student is motivated. What does appear to be true is that most students respond positively to a well-organized subject taught by an enthusiastic teacher who has a keen interest in the students and what they learn. That handles a constructivist model for the good cognitive and personal development of the student. If we want them to learn, we must create conditions that promote motivation.

What are you going to do to find out?

This research will be carried out based on two aspects:

1. All students want to meet their needs, and it must be remembered that each student and each class is different. They want teachers who are real, who recognize them as human beings, who check them regularly, who support their learning, who inform them individually of their progress.

2. This obstacle, which is often presented as a problem when teaching a subject, is exalted, teaching only to fulfill and not by vocation. This is why it is not worth going to a class in which the teacher is limited to following notes or a text to the letter, simply by reading it. It is about avoiding boredom, routine. Let each class be a new adventure. We are used to master classes in which the students are only listeners. But the student learns by doing, building, designing, creating, solving, learning improves if it is transmitted to the student using all the senses, through practices. The passivity of the lectures dampens the motivation and curiosity of the students.


What are you going to do to find out?

Research Objectives: to obtain the objective of this research related to the problem that occurs in the classroom because traditional education does not encourage students to learn and hinders the essential task when thinking about the teaching process , since it is about establishing what it is intended that students achieve at the end of the training process. The objectives are closely related to the learning strategies, since they constitute the what and the how of the process. Thus, the objectives “constitute the guide of the training process; they determine the order of the contents and their sequence, guide the methods and define the evaluation ”(Lamata and Domínguez, 2003: 132).

Significance Of The Study


Motivation helps to achieve goals. The teacher's activity and her relationship with the student becomes a motivational element. Show of apathy, unfair decisions and even an inappropriate personal presence do not stimulate the student and negatively influence her mood. This research carried out is based on the analysis of the different theories in order to develop a methodological proposal, which allows configuring an innovative teaching and learning process in higher education, supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The proposal integrates traditional methodologies based on the socio-educational-cultural methodologies of constructivism, with the purpose of strengthening teaching and learning processes. The research was carried out through the action-research approach, which from planning, action, observation, in which changes are generated in educational processes in order to improve the professional work of the teacher, with it, improve the student's teaching and learning process. It was evident that it was pertinent to use laboratory practices as a didactic strategy since they allow automating more mechanical procedures within the perspective of associationist learning (one of its exponents is Skinner). For his part, Pozo (2008) indicates that this type of learning is desirable.

LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGCMEn_tfg4Lu6u0dWiItSPDzE1f5GDnbUuvKhmzyjYOb2cg/viewform?usp=sf_link


                                                            LITERATURE REVIEW



To the obstacles that arise in education (education progressive)

For this research on the obstacles that stop the teaching of a second language is mainly motivation, this gave rise to investigate their teaching strategies and methodology. It is here where the solution of choosing a progressive pedagogical model is provided. In this perspective, the school is created for life, to become the child's natural environment and become the space in which the child experiences and learns the essential elements. For good performance in your adult life. Dewey considered that social life is to education what nutrition and reproduction is to physiological life, therefore the school is a social institution that must focus on the most effective means to offer the child the necessary resources to cultivate cultural heritage and develop their powers to achieve social ends.

In general, progressive policies have been characterized, for more than a century, by the struggle for a new school. They trust more in the teachers, in the development and less intervention of the curriculum, in a public and secular school where participation is fundamental and with a defense of equality, freedom, democracy and justice, seeking progress and social welfare controlling. Fundamental words are constant change and collective rights. And in some trends, beyond the most cautious progressivism, the emancipation of human beings appears.


John Dewey said that if we teach as it was taught before, we steal the future of children and adolescents and that we should not allow it. This was said in the 50s of the twentieth century.

In the first chapter of Dewey's text “Experience and Education”, he shows that “the history of pedagogy is characterized by the opposition between the idea that education is development from within and that of training from outside; that it is based on natural gifts and that education is a process to overcome natural inclinations and to replace them with habits acquired under external pressure” (Dewey, 1967, pp. 11-12). The first is obtained from tradition, while the second looks to the future. These terms are traditional education and progressive education and, according to Dewey, at the time that these have to be applied in school, the former is not practically in the same.



This research was made qualitative, since it is a way of accessing direct and immediate information about the process, resorting to theory. Qualitative research is interested in having captured the social reality through the eyes of the people being studied, that is, from the perception that the subject has of their own context (Bonilla y Rodríguez, 1997: 84). .

This research was carried out by observing the English classes, allowing to achieve the objectivity of the process, the inquiry is broader, of attitudes, values, opinions, beliefs. The scientificity of the method is achieved through transparency, taking my field notes completely and impartially using multiple theoretical models, checking the collected data. Analyzing the behavior observed in the class. Although an open scheme was applied to the teachers in charge of giving their class, to proceed to collect the data.

My data was analyzed according to the opinion of the participants to reach the conclusion of the process and provides the solution in a progressive model system, fostered competitiveness, and to constitute a transmission of knowledge through memorization, passive for the student. And oblivious to their interests, defining their model with the opposite features: practical, vital, participatory, democratic, collaborative, active, motivating education.



This obstacle, which is often presented as a problem when teaching a subject, is exalted, teaching only to fulfill and not by vocation. This is why it is not worth going to a class in which the teacher is limited to following notes or a text to the letter, simply by reading it. It is about avoiding boredom, routine. Let each class be a new adventure. We are used to master classes in which the students are only listeners. But the student learns by doing, building, designing, creating, solving, learning improves if it is transmitted to the student using all the senses, through practices. The passivity of the lectures dampens the motivation and curiosity of the students. 

John Dewey through his conceptualization referred to active education and also the philosophical movement of pragmatism, in which Dewey frames his philosophy of education. According to Dewey, in his deep criticism of Johann Herbart's (1766-1841) 3 approach, the human being learns in the interaction with his environment from his capacity for functional adaptation, through trial and error. This allows you to progress in the struggle to adapt and dominate the environment in which you live. It is learned by experience, through education by action ("learning by doing"). School education must therefore favor the design of real experiences for students that in turn involve the resolution of practical problems.

As a result in education that is a constant reconstruction of the experience in the way of giving it more and more meaning, enabling the new generations to respond to the challenges of society. Educating, more than reproducing knowledge, implies encouraging people to transform something. What was really learned in each and every one of the stages of the experience giving value and the primary purpose of life, encouraging them, having a significant reason, which enriched at all times. Thus, education is reconstruction and reorganization of experience that gives meaning to present experience and increases the ability to direct the course of subsequent experience. That is to say that as a solution to our problem we gave this new methodology, for a better education that gave good results, because through real experience, the student stands out in the centrality that Dewey gave, in his conception of school. Teachers were asked to build an environment in which the child's immediate activities would confront him with problematic situations, for the resolution of which they need theoretical and practical knowledge of science, history and art in order to solve these situations.    


This qualitative research was developed due to the problem of obstacles that arise in the classroom, emphasizing the methodology that the teacher uses to guide his students to teach them and obtain results. In this way, we can interpret Dewey's philosophy of education as aimed at training people to build and sustain a democratic society. Education required the interaction between an active individual and a society that transmitted their culture. The key to education should be given by real experiences of the student. Education could not define a program for what the student would be in the future; it was in his present that he was going to tell and determine the formative scope of the (school) experience.

Faced with the tradition of traditional teaching (represented by Herbart's pedagogy) John Dewey proposed his progressive education, which was centered on the interest of the child, on freedom, initiative and spontaneity. This is where Dewey postulated the centrality of experience as a key concept in his pedagogical proposal. When putting this methodology into practice, we realized that such interaction with our students is very much needed and that through experience we can motivate the student to continue with their and train people in the real world.



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